Know some Major challenges faced by international students of UK?

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The major challenges faced by international students in UK

Student's life is full of sacrifice, tension and fear of bright futures. The always think about getting admission in high class university and college. Those students who dream to study in abroad, they not only struggle with their own problem but also they have to manage themselves in new environment which affects their studies as well.

Living in own home country even in different city will not disturb you but if the country is changed then you need to manage a lot of things in new country. How to live, what to eat and to whom they will share their feelings.

 In this article we will share the challenges which international students faced when they lived in UK. 

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Problems faced by International students in UK

  1. Homesickness:

The most common problem which is faced by the students is missing their home and family, friends. New people, different language, unknown faces and study pressure will make students homesickness. Although many students prepare themselves for new environment but few of them needed help to adjust, here are few tips to recover from homesickness.

Don't sit in your room, go out:

A. It is good connect with family and friends but not all the time, step out from your room and explore the city around and make yourself comfortable:

B. Make new friends in college: Don't sit sad by remembering your old college and friends stand up and make new friends.

C. Be positive: Don't lose hope when you found yourself in strange city with unknown people. They are as you sooner or later you will make friends here. So just be positive.

2. Language:

The one of the most common problem which is faced by the international students is language. They came from different city and different language, now first they have adjusted in new environment and side by side learn the local language of that country.

So how to cope up with the language barrier, read below:

A.  Socialize: Open with the people around you such as shopkeepers, install and cafes, search people from your home country and mingle with them.

B. Have patience: Learning is a slow but effective procedure so doesn't lose hope soon.

C. Get enrolled in speaking class: there are two reasons for going in speaking class, first you will be comfortable to know that you are not alone who face this problem and second you will learn the language easily.

3. Cultural difference:

People live in different culture and they get addicted to live in their culture. If some point they need to change the cultural it will give them mental shock. It is tough to adjust with new culture but impossible remember that.

Students under this situation may have faced many mental problems like depression, anxiety. Read these steps to overcome from fear.

Don't think too much about everything.

Follow your regular routine.

Give more focus on your college and university.

If nothing helps than take help for professional they are best to help you.

Be in touch with your friends.

4. Racial Discrimination:

Students have faced the discrimation on and off campus by other local students. They are treated like doesn't belong from here. Students need not to avoid this before verbal or physical they need to report to the management quickly.

However universities are also opening many program me to comfortable the international students.

5. Financial problems:

Students who studied aboard need lots of money for admission and then accommodation, flights and many more. They face financial pressure, what if they fail what will happen to the family. This creates stress in their mind. To avoid financial pressure try these methods.

Applying for loan in UK? Interesting to Read

  1. The common mistakes happened during student loan
  2. Get rid of students loan for college students

Start doing a part job.

Limit your expenses.

Apply for scholarship.

Make a budget.

Find trust and charities in UK/US

6. Academic difference:

It is natural that the international students background different from local students. Foreign students have to adjust themselves with new study environment.

7. Safety:

Student's safety is the prime concern for the parents, they always think for their child safety in other country. The same fear students carry with them in UK. But it is also true that in a survey over 800 students agreed that UK is safe for international students. Adopt these tricks.

Learn your address from home to university.

Take your medical certificate.

Don't fill with money while travelling.

Remember contact number of university.

8. Work experience:

Students who studied in graduation first need to complete four years of graduation and then swift from student visa to work visa to get job in UK. Some of them pack bag and leave the country. You can also live in UK and try these methods.

Start searching job during graduation.

Use your non civilization benefits.

Search companies who hire sponsors student.

Make your network for searching job.

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