Understanding the UK Grading System - Know Everything about Different Grading System in the UK Universities

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Know about the different grading system in the UK universities

The United Kingdom is considered to be the fastest growing country in terms of education every year a large number of students are taking admission in the school. UK is growing rapidly in the field of education. For many students, the country of their dreams has become the place where they want to study and at the same time want to make their career. After the United States of America, it is counted in the most popular country in the field of education. If you want to take admission for Bachelor's and Master's degree in a UK university, then you need to know about the grading system there. Let us know about the grading system of UK.

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Know how UK's University grading system works

There are 2 degrees options for undergraduate degree if you want to apply for any undergraduate degree so before that you have to choose any one degree out of 2 degrees. These 2 degrees are something like this

Honour's degree

The academic year of honors degree is of 4 years, if you choose this degree then you have to study for 4 years and along with this there are some compulsory subjects with which you have to choose the specific subject in which you are qualified. In this degree, you also complete 20 credit horses. Honor's degree is a very popular degree which is obtained by a large number of people.

Ordinary degree

Ordinary degree is 3 years degree in which you have to complete 15 credit hours. Ordinary degree is a regular degree like Bachelor of Arts, bachelor of commerce and Bachelor of Science.  If you choose an Ordinary degree, then you must clear all the subjects given in it.

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Let us know how Honor's degree is classified in the grading system

If you are thinking of getting an honors degree from UK, then let's know about its grading system and classification. Honor's degree has been classified into 4 parts which are as follows

  1. First-class degree
  2. Upper second-class degree
  3. Lower second-class degree
  4. Third-class degree






60 TO 60%


50 TO 59%


40 TO 49%

First-class degree

As we have mentioned in the above table that to get first class degree, students need to score above 70% only then will he come in the category of first class.  As we know it is a bit difficult for students to get first-class degree in different subjects to make it easier, they can get only one combined honors degree. These degrees are awarded by the top universities of the UK. If you get a first-class degree then it makes a successful path for your career and it increases your chances of getting a good job.

Upper second-class degree

As shown in the above table, it is compulsory for students to get 60 to 60% marks for upper second-class degree. If he scores it below then he will not count in this category. This degree also takes you towards a successful career and is capable of getting a good job.

Lower second-class degree

As shown in the above table, it is compulsory for students to get 50 to 59% marks for upper second-class degree. This degree shows that you are an average student and your academic performance has not been anything special. This score is very important to get any job, it is considered as the minimum marks for any job.

Third-class degree

Third-class degree is known as 'D' grade if you score 40 to 49% marks in your academic year so it is counted in third-class degree. This score indicates very low performance. There are very few job opportunities in the future of students who fall in this category.

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What can happen if you do not earn any of these honors degrees?

By now you must have understood about the grading system and degrees. Be careful if you are getting honors degree and you fail in 3rd class due to some reason so your Honors degree will not be considered as complete, instead you will be given an Ordinary degree.


After reading this article today, you must have understood that what the grading system of the school is and how this grade is classified among students? Along with this, here you will also be able to know about some degrees.

Tag This :- Different Grading System in the UK Studies

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