Applying for deferred MBA program in B-Schools? Are B- schools welcoming deferred MBA applicants?

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Know why B-schools in abroad are opening Up to deferred MBA programs.

Many students wish to do higher education from top B-school after completing their gradation, if you have completed your graduation in arts, math and even you have engineering degree, still you can do MBA (Master of business administration).

Top B-schools, colleges and university in abroad offers MBA degree to international students. The students can apply as full time MBA program and as a correspondence form of MBA, where they can complete their degree while staying in their home country

In the pandemic time in 2019-20 many students choose the correspondence to do MBA from top university. Those people who are already working and want to add one more degree in their resume they can choose to do correspondence MBA program.

After pandemic covid-19, many Students are not able to travel for getting admission in their dream university, so many top universities have came with the new form of doing MBA which is Deferred MBA program. This program is same as normal full time MBA course. In this course students are allowed to apply two year in advance. It is kind of giving pre- admission or reserved seats for students in future.

What is deferred MBA program?

Many of you heard this program at first time and may be not aware of this program but don't worry there is nothing new technique applied with Deferred MBA program. It is like when you are planning for your holiday and you start doing advance booking of hotels and flights for reserving your seats and stay. The same thing applicable in deferred MBA program, you have made up your mind that you will be doing MBA from foreign university in coming years then this program will perfectly suits you.

A student who is in graduation today and in future wishing to do MBA from top college then you can apply for deferred MBA program. Make sure you apply for college who offer deferred MBA program.

Also read:- MBA Help from Private Tutors

What is need of deferred MBA program?

When there is already regular MBA program running then why the need of deferred MBA program came? Here are few facts which raise the need of deferred MBA program.

1. Many students was rejected from the university of college due to they apply late for admission and the admission date already passed out. To avoid this situation, students can save their seats and apply before.

2. According to a survey by graduate management council, nearly 60% of courses students could not get admission due to delay in applying.

3. Now many colleges who offers deferred MBA program saw the hike in admission by international students.

4. The students also get benefits with this MBA program, they have time to increase their skill by doing job and can gain work experience.

5. The organization also gets benefits by avoiding last minutes application from students, the colleges can manage their seat prior and allot to desired applicants.

Colleges and universities who offer deferred MBA program:

Now many colleges and university offers deferred MBA program to foreign students and they also find it quite comfortable in giving admission.

Institutions who offer deferred MBA program such as:

Wharton University

Stanford University

Harvard University

Chicago Booth University

Yale University

Requirement of an applicant for applying deferred MBA program:

Here we would like to remind again that deferred MBA program is same as normal MBA degrees the difference is only pre applied that it. The rules and regulations will be same as applied to normal MBA program.

1. Impressive resume:

For applying in these top schools students must have strong CV, so that their application selected for MBA program.

2. Work experience:

Students work experience also checked while they apply for deferred MBA program.

3. GRE/GMAT score:

As deferred MBA is same as normal MBA degree than the score of these test will be required.

Are B- schools welcoming deferred MBA applicants?

As explained in above, when pandemic covid -19 time and people are not able to travel for admission then they move to the deferred MBA program.  As nobody sure how much time covid-19 will stay, so as an estimate. They move for 2 years advance admission. Without wasting their time and getting tense, they can take admission and sit relax.

Talking about B- schools which offered deferred MBA program, it is seen that the admission rate has increased to 7%.

When the B- schools due to deferred MBA, gets the admission, then why not they will also continuing doing admission in MBA program with deferred form. There is nothing changes in MBA degree, only changes in applying criteria, so there is no harm in offering deferred MBA program.

So it can be said that there is positive responses coming from students regarding offering deferred MBA program, that is why now many more B- school offering this program.

Study Planner Application for B-School and deferred MBA program 

There are many e-learning platforms which offers study help for B-School and deferred MBA program, these applications provide study materials, notes, past exam papers, exam prep help, and homework help. The study planner applications are useful for students who are looking for some external help other than in B-School and deferred MBA program classrooms. Expertsminds is one of the best study partner of those students who need help with B-School and deferred MBA program studies or assignments. 

Also you must know: Professional MBA Assignment Writing Services

The question comes to your mind, how may we help you in B-School and deferred MBA program? 

We are engaged a team of tutors who are helping students of B-School and deferred MBA program, in learning subjects, provide live tutorials, assignment help and course prep., exam prep help with advanced digital platform. Professional's communities where students meet with experts and resolve their doubts and queries regarding courses of B-School and deferred MBA program. 

Tag This :- B- schools are welcoming deferred MBA applicants

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