Know some Major challenges faced by international students of US? How to come out from Problems?

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Common problems faced by international students in USA

USA is home of top 10 international university of the world. Every year students from all over world dreamt to get admission in USA top universities and colleges. According to reports every year 900,000 international students studied in USA top 10 universities.

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Those students who came from aboard did lot of hard work to get admission in top university and many of them came after their high school and stay in USA. Students make their mind to take admission in any condition but nobody think about the situation coming after they start living in unknown country with unknown people. The students coming aboard for years so they have to cope with the environment and make adjustment. Many of them did adjust but few are feel bad and face many problems in living and study.

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Challenges for International Students in the United States(US)

Below we will explain the common problems faced by the student living in USA and also we will give the tips for survive in USA.

1. Language barrier:

The most common problems faced by every international student is language, how to communicate well in USA. Generally in USA English is base language but the Americans have different ascent for speaking English. It is quite hard to understand and then speak the English.

The solution of this problem is to learn the English language but it is slow and depends on practice. You cannot learn English in a day; you need to give time on your speaking and learning.

So enrolled yourself in English speaking classes and take classes regularly and practice with your friends and with local vendors and in college.

2. Making friends:

Student who came to did expect with the local student to adapt them and give them comfort. They first met in college and university and want to impress them so that their journey in college goes smooth.

Don't get in hurry in approaching them, give some time to understand their behavior and nature and don't change yourself and behave like them, be yourself and have patience. Sooner you will make good friends but don't walk round lonely and quiet. Stay active.

3. Suffering from home sickness:

Students living abroad will miss the homely environment around them. They missing the known faces and get upset when they see unknown faces. The home sickness will create more problems in their adjustment in abroad.

The students need to get involve with other people around. Whether they feel bad or good they have to make up their mind.

4. Eating habits:

The students have to struggle with food habits as well. Americans eat more fast food and eat ready to cook or preserve food. In that case students adjust their eating schedule and eat whatever easily available. So students although can adjust with their eating habits but not compromise with their health.

5. Difficulty in choosing sport:

In America the most popular games are baseball, basketball and ice hockey. If these games are not popular in your country then again you need to compromise with your choice but it is also true sports can easily learn and then played with your friends. So you need to learn sports which are playing in your campus and also make friends during games.

6. Culture difference:

Students came from different culture. They have their own tradition, festivals, after living in USA they will see the difference in festivals their celebration, thanksgiving and all. They feel separated from locals and get depress. What they need to do they need to participate the festivals celebrated here and side they can celebrate their own festivals.

7. Financial pressure:

Most of student studies in USA by taking student loans. They have taken loan so that they can study and they have to expense accordingly. Students  suffers from family pressure from doing good in college and then get job and settled so that they can re pay the loan taken. So don't take tension about loan and focus on your studies, if you doing well you can do.

8. Communication gap with family:

There is difference in USA time zone and other countries. When students are free and want to talk to their families and friends, they have different time zone so cant receive their phones. They feel lonely when their college is off and get depressed.

9. Difference in teaching styles:

There is different education system in USA from other countries. The teachers are taking interactive class and expect to speak more from students and in English, so students take time to get used of this.

10. Adjustment with climate change:

The climate will depend on which area of USA you are living the climate is change as per city.

Take help from experts:

If you are facing problems in adjusting in USA you take advice from they have qualified experts who will help you in every situation.

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