SPSS, SEM Assignment, Statistics Tutor Service

What is SPSS Software?

The full form of SPSS is - "Statistical package for the Social Sciences", which was launched in the year 1968. Due to the acquisition of SPSS made by IBM in the year 2009, its official name is IBM SPSS Statistics but most users still prefer to call it as SPSS.

Therefore, SPSS is software in which all sorts of data can be edited and analyzed. This data can be extracted from any source like an individual client's database, data from scientific research or even from Google analytics and website server files. All file formats are supported by SPSS Software like, text files, MS Excel's spreadsheets and tables, SQL Databases, SAS etc. SPSS is a program that is Windows based which can create tables and graphs by performing data entry and analysis. In the areas like social science and business SPSS is commonly used so being familiar with this program will lead to future benefits in these areas.

Opening the SPSS - One can open SPCC by either double clicking the shortcut icon on the desktop or by choosing form all programs by clicking the Start button. A screen displaying the dialog box will appear offering choices like running the tutorial, opening existing data source, typing in data etc. The data editor window is behind the dialog box which is used for displaying the data from the chosen file. Click OK after choosing the options from the startup dialog box or click cancel. By clicking cancel an existing file can be opened or new data entry can be made in the blank data editor.

Layout - The window of the data editor contains two views. They are called data view and variable view. The former is where you can see the data you are using whereas the later is where the format can be specified by you of your data at the time of creation of your file or where the checking of a pre-existing file can be done. The data which is contained in the Data editor is saved in the file mentioning the extension - sav. SPSS Viewer Window is yet another most commonly used SPSS Window which is capable of displaying the resultant output from any system run analyses as well as any error messages.

Mistakes made by students while doing SPSS assignments

It is seen that most of the students nowadays make mistakes in doing their respective SPSS assignments. The reasons for these mistakes can be many so one needs to be very careful and alert while doing these assignments. Following are some of the major mistakes done by the students while doing SPSS assignments.

1. Following the instructions:- Each assignment contains different set of instructions that must be followed religiously as ignorance of instructions can lead to deduction of marks. Students most commonly make this type of mistake of not going through the instructions carefully as sometimes the instructions are so many in numbers that the student skips one or two instructions while doing the assignment. Some of the most popular instructions are word count, paragraphs, length and keywords.  They must keep a copy of the instructions with them while they are doing it even if they remember all the points of the instructions.

2. Meeting the deadline:- The student must keep an eye on the deadline because late submission may lead to either deduction of marks or disqualification. Many a times the concerned issue is the mistake of the time format i.e.; the "am" and "pm" format when the student is submitting the assignment online. For example, sometimes student considers 5 am as 5 pm and when he logs in to submit he finds that the submission is closed. So the student must keep the track of the time format and the deadline.

3. Plagiarism:- This particular mistake is common for those who are new and don't know the meaning of plagiarism. Every institute or university owns software that detects each and every assignment for plagiarism. While some degree of plagiarism is allowed but beyond that the assignment might get rejected because you are claiming someone else's property as your own proper unless you use citations.

4. Going off topic:- In the case of long assignment, sometimes just to reach the word count the students starts writing irrelevant stuff that is not required. As a result the tutor will not give marks for the matter that is not relevant. Therefore the student should write quality matter that is short and concise.

5. Not doing revision or proofreading:- The saddest thing for a student is to lose marks on something that he knows. This happens because he doesn't proofread the assignment that might contain grammatical or silly mistakes which can lead to minor deduction in marks.

Why choose Expertsminds for SPSS assignment writing help service

We, the Expertsminds are best in the assignment help and writing industry when it comes to providing SPSS assignment writing help services. Our team consist well experienced professional, researchers, scholars and PhD holders that deliver quality services assignments with best prices at the proposed deadlines. We have a vast talent pool of these academicians that are committed and dedicated to provide the work assignment to the students across the globe. So why one should choose 'Expertsmind' for his/her work assignments. Well the answer is simple. Our eye catching features are the main ingredients that make us the best in the market.

First feature is our experienced tutors that possess quality experience and knowledge in their respective stream of subject(s). Second feature is the guarantee of providing plagiarism free work. Third feature is the quality of work because the content of the assignment makes it worth watching. Forth feature is the delivering of assignment on the stipulated time frame as delaying in the submission of the assignment may lead to deduction in marks or can even lead to disqualification. Fifth feature is the 24*7 hours support service as you can anytime consult our researcher regarding your assignment like if you need any kind of help or assistance that can be given to you. And lastly, the price we offer is the most nominal/reasonable in the market as anyone can afford it making it a pocket friendly affair for the student.

SPSS Amos - SEM Assignment help

SEM is known as structural equation modeling is an advance level Multivariate technique that is used for the estimation of complex models which involves at least more than one latent variable. Latent variables cannot be measured directly. Social and Physiological researches involve SEM modeling.     

We, the Expertsminds are expert in specializing in making structural equation models by making use of SPSS Amos for the data which is given. The experts and researchers of our team can assist you in completing your projects and dissertations. As far as the model building is concerned, are experts are well trained and are available to help you 24*7 to provide you guidance on the use of Amos. Output generated by Amos is well illustrated by tour researcher's team for the students. It involves not only running the analyses by using Amos but also explaining in detail about arriving at the final model. Our researchers are well equipped to construct and upgrade your model fitness by either removal of items having high crossed loadings or by formation of covariance links between error terms. So therefore every possible way is described by our team to provide you with your result. Multilevel modeling can also be performed by our experts that involve structural equation models and describe by group variation components by the use of Amos. An online collaborative platform is built between students and teachers which is full of knowledge and learning.

SPSS - Factor analysis assignment help

We the Expertsminds are committed in delivering the assignments on subjects like Statistics.  Many factors can be extracted by SPSS because we have variables. This theory is complex to learn as it requires prominent and efficient guidance from the qualified team of experts, analysts and researchers that we offer to our students.         

A statistical analysis is performed by using graphs, bar diagrams and charts making it interesting as well as time saving. Proper illustrations are given to elaborate on the subject that gives an overall idea of what the subject is all about. Further, an in depth analyses in conducted to remove all the doubts and misconceptions about the topic making it crystal clear.

Therefore in order to get the best results as far as the assignments are concerned we the Expertsminds are well equipped. We understand the needs and requirements of our clients and establish a collaborative union with them to share the knowledge and a never ending learning experience that garnishes the academic minds of the students and making them knowledgeable in their subjects and helping them in getting best grades in their class so that they have a great academic future which ultimately make them successful and independent in this dynamic changing environment in which technological advancements are occurring at each single day. So experience our services by contacting us on our e-mail or telephone number mentioned on our website.

Key features of services are listed below:

  • Confidentiality of student private information
  • 100% unique and original solutions
  • Step by step explanations of problems
  • Minimum 4 minutes turnaround time - fast and reliable service
  • Secure payment options
  • On time delivery
  • Unlimited clarification till you are done
  • Guaranteed satisfaction
  • Affordable price to cover maximum number of students in service
  • Easy and powerful interface to track your order

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