Electronics Physics Assignment Help


Basic concept of electronics 

            Modern world is highly equipped with enormous amount of gadgets for each and every need. For instance if you see at your home, as you switch on the Television you are able to see all the happenings taking place around the world. You are storing food in the refrigerator for considerable period of time. You are able to beat the summer heat with help of Air conditioners and air coolers. Have you ever thought of how are such happenings or inventions possible? If not then here is the detail of it a nutshell. All of these gadgets are invented through the principles and concept of science called electronics. Electronics is a branch of physics which studies about electronic devices and technologies. Digital electronics, Analogue Electronics, Microelectronics, Circuit design, Integrated circuits, optoelectronics, semi-conductor devices, embedded system are considered as branches of electronics.

 The basic concepts of electronics include:

1. Voltage: It is the pressure which causes the current to flow in the circuit. It is measured in terms of VOLTS.

2. Resistance: The material's ability to oppose the flow of electricity in a circuit is called resistance. It is measured in ohm. A good conductor provides less resistance whereas bad conductors offer high.

3. Power: It is the amount of energy or work used by the circuit. Watts is the measuring unit.

4. Current: The amount of electron flowing through the circuit. It is mainly caused due to the movement of electrical charge. It is measured in terms of ampere.

5. Magnetism: The state of attraction or repulsion of one material with other is called as magnetism. The main cause for the magnetic field to arise is the moving electric charge.

6. Ohm's law: The law states that "The amount of current flowing in circuitis directly proportional to the electromotive forces impressed on the circuit and inversely proportional to the total resistance of the circuit." This is one of the prime concepts of electronics. It is the bridge that links relationship between current, voltage, and resistance.

7. Inductance: The ability of the coiled wire to resist the change in the current passing through it.

8. Capacitor: It stores energy in the form of an electrostatic field. Hence act as electric charge storekeeper.

9.  Atoms and electrical charges: The major component of the atoms includes Proton- Positively charged particle, Electron- Negatively charged and a Neutron- Neutral in charge. The nucleus of the atom is made of protons and neutrons.As the electron flow based upon this electricity is generated.

10. Resistors: These are made of either carbon film or metal film.

Importance of electronics

Electronics is the major stream which is acting as a big screen in differentiating the place as urban or rural. In rural areas these are still in the initial stage, whereas if you see in the urban places you could be astonished. During ancient period for communication people used writing letters and sending a dove to convey the matter. It was a time consuming and a tedious work. But in modern world people are able to communicate through many electronics gadgets like mobile phones, tablets, Laptop, and Personal computers. Whenever they feel like chatting to with friends or family members they immediately use these electronic devices and fulfill their needs.

            In transportation, electronics has a tremendous role. For instance, the metro trains are fully electronic gadgets. Because of the pre developed programming these trains are helping people safe and sound travelling.

We start our day with an electronic device, which is the Alarm clock. You set alarm and you sleep and at the stipulated time the alarm wakes you up. For morning breakfast again you are using the electronic devices like Brad toaster, chapatti maker etc. You buy vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish from the market and store it in the refrigerator for prolonged uses.

            The electronics have paved way for discovery of many scanning and imaging machines with which we are able to get clear idea about our body and disease if we are affected. Many surgeries like laser surgery for eyes are also a beneficial example which we see in today's world. In banking sectors also electronics has made tremendous contribution. The live examples are Automated teller Machine (ATM), Cash depositing machine (CDM). Because of these devices we are able to take or deposit money anywhere at any time (24*7). This has reduced long queues which are seen in the banks. Electronic devices like escalators and elevators help old and aged people. These devices are seen in many public places like Railway station, Airport, Malls etc.

            The masterpiece of the electronic is the computers without which today the world cannot work. With help this electronic device we are able to complete all our work in no time. In offices, these plays major role in sections like accounting, marketing, Outsourcing, database maintenance and so on. At house computers are used to study, refer notes, to prepare our projects, for online transaction, to play games and so on.

            In the field of education, the black board and chalk piece method has been transformed as smart class where teaching is done using white board and computer. The lessons are though using audio-visuals so that the class is made interesting and all the children get interest towards it.

In modern world, we start our day with an electronic device and end it with the same. Its highly difficult to imagine an society where the electronics is not seen.

Tips to solve problems of Electronics: 

  • Taking proper notes and keeping them safe for future use is first and foremost step. The notes prepared must be in such a way that it has proper reference.
  • Having a good rampo with the lecture or professor for help with your work, about the industry and also regarding your career.
  • Try to study along with groups so that you will come to know what others know about the topic and what you know about that same topic.
  • Once you are comfortable with particular topic, check it by teaching it to the one who really needs help in it.

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