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Human resource management concepts and techniques:

The concepts and techniques of human resource management have evolved from the past several years. Previously, Human Resources Management is a one-sided tool of management, whereas current human resource management creates a successful partnership between employees and management.

Successful human resource management includes not only hiring the right person for the right job, but also considering their personal characteristics of the employee.

The President and Chief Executive Officer of the organisation hire the people who fit for the company or organization culture that type of candidates only they will choose.

The present concept of Human Resource of Management is selecting the candidates who are eligible for personality or psychological tests to determine whether they suit the company's philosophy, if they are suited then they will conduct interview to the candidates with an eye toward their attitudes and manner of relating to others.

Now a day Human Resource Management playing a vital role in Team building. Organisations believe that their employees builds the workers self esteem giving them a proper motivation, training and also encourages them to take ownership of the projects this result to successful completion of their task and brining a good out to the organisaton.

Human Resource Management concepts clearly shows that by giving proper training to employees there will be automatic increase in the employee performance and also there will be huge growth in the productivity.

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Now let us see how Human Resource Management Concepts and Techniques can be use of all managers:

Following are the some of the personal mistakes that we don't want to make while managing the organisation.

1. Not choosing a right person for the right job.

2. When employees or workers are not giving their best at the time of project.

3. Sometimes we used to conduct a unnecessary interviews this may lead to waste of time and money.

4. When we don't have a proper managers in our organisation then there will be a loss to the organisations because they will not take correct decision in correct time which may lead to loss of productivity and loss of turnover in this type of situations usually they follow some discriminatory actions because of that actions sometimes company may go to court.

5. Some employees in the organisation think that their salaries are unfair and inequitable when compared to the other employees in the same organisation..This was a very crucial problem in the organisation this situation was arises when there is partiality in the managers. 

Here some are the important concepts and techniques used by the managers in an organisation:

1. Human Resource Planning:

Human Resource Planning places a vital role in the organisation. The main function of human resource planning is to forecast the future personnel needs of the organisation. There was a lot of change in the technology, marketing conditions, huge competitive environment by considering all these changes in the organisation planning for human resource has become a very important challenging task to meet the required needs of the organization.           

Human Resource planning basically involves planning for the future needs, recruitment of the employees, improving the employees personnel skill and focus on the development of the employee.

2) Job Analysis:

Traditionally job analysis was done for the purpose of recruitment, administration, and supervision. But now a day with the increasing complexity of work job analysis became an important instrument for developing an employee in the organisation. Generally job analysis requires a systematic collection, evaluation information about the job.This information is collected through interviews, questionnaires and some other methods. After gathering the information through the methods and that collected information will be used for preparing job description and specifications.

Job description can also be called as job profile in this description includes a detailed specifications of duties about the job to be performed, responsibility, working conditions, rules and regulations of the employees what they are expected to do so after getting into to the work..  

Job specification is nothing but a profile of an employee characteristic needed to perform the job like education, training, experience, physical and mental abilities, strength and weakness of the employee.

3) Recruitment and Training Of an Employee:

Recruitment is one of the important tasks of an manager because he has to select a right candidate for the right job. If the manager fails to do that then there will be an effect to the organisation. Recruitment will done in so many ways like off campus, in campus, internal recruitment or through advertisements, interview etc..

While recruitment the managers have to observe the technical skills, education back ground, personal back ground. Managers have to be every alert while recruiting any employee.

Training also plays a very important role in the organisation if we give a proper training to the exiting employees there will be a lot advantages to the organisation those are lack of supervision why because the employee whom we are providing training is an existing employee in the organisation so we no need to spend our time on him through supervision.

  Generally training will be provided to the existing employee when new technology updates. if not we can recruit a new person but that was a long process and lot of time and money will be wasted. So training and development will be given to the existing employees so that there will be no wastage of time and money and meanwhile there will be increase in the productivity of the organisation.

4) Performance appraisal:

In any organisation performance appraisal was mainly conducting to encourage and motivate the employees for their performance by giving some ratings, awards and rewards to the employees by doing like the employee will show great interest in doing the work. Mean while performance appraisal will also calculate the poor performance of the employees. By identifying those employees the management can put their clear cut ofcus on the employee by giving him proper training in which he was lacking so that there will be a benefit for the employee and also to the organisation.

Employee who is performing their job correct will get good performance appraisal so that he may get promotion which will boost up their talent and will concentrate on their work and will great output to the company.

5) Improvement of the quality of work life:

In earlier human resource development mainly emphasized on individual development through training and supervision but now with the increase in the complexity of organisations and society human resource development was realizes that training an individual development plays a very limited role in the development of the organisations.

We can improve the quality of work life by implementing some methods like JOB ENRICHMENT,JOB DESIGN,AND ROLE INTERVENTIONS. The managers have to understand these methods and implement in the organisation and to see the improvement of the quality of work life.

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