Introduction to Criminology Assignment Help

Introduction to Criminology Course Overview :-

Introduction to Criminology course, you will consider a range of historical and contemporary theoretical explanations of crime and its genesis, which draw from a variety of disciplines including classical philosophy, positivist science, human biology, psychology, sociology, economics, and politics. The main focus this course is not so much with the nature of crime itself, but with the ways that people and systems conceptualise who and what is deemed 'criminal', create theories based on these conceptions, and subsequently influence social policy. In short, this course focuses on thinking about 'crime' and processes of criminalisation. The course will begin with understanding how criminology has traditionally (and problematically) theorised individual 'causes of crime' and move towards a critical understanding of how certain people and groups come to be criminalised by the State and its institutions.  

Assignment Sample: 

Critically discuss the 'African gangs' narrative with reference to course theory from weeks 4 AND/OR 5 (i.e. moral panic, labelling, stigma, conflict criminology and/or Marxist criminology).

Deviating from normal behaviour often leads to criminal tendencies. There are certain norms set by Australian society which makes it both spatial and temporal dependent. According to Peter Dutton, stepping out of homes in Victoria region especially has become risky due to African gang issues (The Guardian, 2018). Many do graffiti, robbery, theft, assaults, drug sales, and killing. In today's culture, joining a gang is seen as bad behavior even if an individual gets forced to join in some cases (Majavu, 2020). It has become a common practice to find ethnic gangs, motorcycle gangs, prison gangs, street gangs in Australia.

The main goal of this critical theory exercise is to carry out a quick overview of the Australian media's stories about "African gangs" that lift up issues on trouble in Victoria, Australia, shows how long-standing racist stereotypes about black people and crime are used (Koumouris & Blaustein, 2022). The issue is a sensitive one, so certain parameters need to be checked.

According to the Victoria Police officials (federal and state officials), young people of African descent are at risks towards getting inclined to commit crimes (Benier & Moran, 2021). Marxist Criminology theory has been chosen for interpretation because it talks about why things change in society, identifies disruptive forces, and shows how society is divided by power and wealth, and what after effects can be caused. According to the Australian media narrative, media's involvement in racialising Melbourne's African gang issue is a talked about fact (Budarick, 2018). All this has created racial moral panic (Molla, 2021).

Week 5 taught about "Marxist criminology theory is quite relatable in current context. In terms of self opinions, this criminology theory can help to better understand society and people (including Africans staying here), by focusing on the fact that crime is caused by class differences between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, which leads to more crimes. As Africans are less privileged, and are often subjected to differences, they tend to commit crimes often. Marx said that the bourgeoisie is in charge of the criminal justice system, they can bend the law because of the class differences. This puts all of the power in the hands of the capitalists, making the whole process undemocratic. As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, there is a gap in the economy where the poor are exploited (Matthews, 2012). Capitalism would continue to grow and last if this part continues to exist. Marx shows this by picturing the proletariat as being sold a reality they can't afford, which leads to lower pay. They must either become delinquent or work more and be oppressed to get anything. They get away with crimes because they have control of the law. The bourgeoisie can define law; they get to choose who is a criminal in an African group and what makes someone criminal. Crime is an idea that was made up by the capitalist system to make people believe they are being deceived. The rich and poor, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, still have a big social and economic class divide that needs to be fixed in today's society, so it makes sense to think that Marxist understanding of society has helps people to understand the criminological theory.

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Some of interesting courses that may referred by students, CRIM 1000 Introduction To CriminologyCRM 100 Introduction To CriminologyCJ-655 Perspectives In Criminology,  CJA 470 Criminology

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