Writing a perfect Narrative Essay, Essay Writing Service

Narrative Essay

Essay writing is introduced quite early in the school curriculum, starting with simple, descriptive topics at the elementary level and increasing difficulty level in higher standards. Essay writing does not stop after school education, but continues at the college level, eventually taking the form of written assignments. Most students are under the impression that essay writing is nothing but writing whatever they know about the given topic. Accordingly, they write whatever comes to their mind without taking into consideration certain essential aspects of an essay.

First and foremost, one must understand that there are different types of essays. Each type has its own characteristic features. For example, while a descriptive essay is factual to a great extent, an analytical essay will contain arguments and principles. The diction used in the essay, the style and language etc. all depend upon the following factors:

  • The type of essay
  • The intended audience
  • Purpose of writing the essay
  • Length of the essay

One common type of essay is the narrative essay.

Narrative Essay: The verb 'To narrate' means 'to tell'. Hence, in a narrative essay there is a narration or reporting or telling by the writer. Narrative essay can be better understood by comparing it with the descriptive essay. While the latter is a description of an object, place, person or process, narrative essay consists of a description of events or incidents. In an incident, something keeps happening; the situation changes every minute. The best example of narration is a cricket commentary. The commentator narrates to the listeners what is happening on the field. There are 11 players when the game begins but the number decreases as the game proceeds. If you describe a house across the street, you will just tell what it is like, its colour, shape etc. There will be no changes while you describe.

Difficulties involved in writing narrative essays

  • To begin with students fail to understand the very concept of narration and how it is different from description.
  • Students are not sure which tense to use while narrating.
  • Sometimes, there is a need to switch between two tenses, the past and the present, while narrating. Students do not understand where the shift is required.
  • Narrative essay has to be presented in a chronological sequence. If the incidents are not reported in order of time, the result is confusing.
  • Students are unable to select the diction as per the readers and purpose of the essay.
  • Time sequence can be changed to add effect to narration. One can begin with an incident in the present and use the flashback technique to narrate past events. Students do not have knowledge of these techniques.
  • Foresight is another effective technique that can be used in narration.
  • Narrative essay must proceed smoothly, in an uninterrupted flow. Students are unable to maintain this flow.
  • There is a very thin line between descriptive and narrative types. Some topics are partly narrative and partly descriptive, making them all the more confusing for students.

Online help with narrative essays

Since narrative topics are assigned at the school level, almost immediately after descriptive essays or sometimes simultaneously, there is a bulk of students who look for help when they are stuck with narrative topics. Whatever the level, school or college, we have created a source of handy help for students who find it difficult to write narrative essays. What makes us handy and always available is the fact that we work only online. Hence, at any time of the day or night, we are just a few clicks away.

Whenever you cannot handle a narrative topic, you can contact us for help. We provide essay writing help for all kinds of topics and levels. The procedure to avail help is also very simple.


Let us know your requirements. Give details of the instructions provided by your guide / teacher so that we can work accordingly. it will enable us to understand your exact needs and find the most appropriate writer for you.

We will assign the task to an expert writer who will take care of all details. You will get the final draft delivered in time. It will be well organized into paragraphs, free from spelling and grammatical errors and as per the level of education.

The online mode makes it convenient for students. You need not move out of the house running from one person to another, seeking guidance and help. Your essay will be delivered to your mailbox directly, at reasonable charges. You can communicate with the writer directly through the Expertsminds, you can request for minor changes and modifications. In addition, we are always there and we provide24 hours online support.

Reasons for choosing us

There are so many reasons but we will summarize the important ones in brief here.

  • We work round the clock, for 365 days; no Sundays and no holidays. Thus there will be no delay in your submissions.
  • We serve students from all parts of the world studying in different boards and universities.
  • Faculty and writers from all parts of the world belong to our professional team so they are familiar with the syllabus and curriculum in their own regions. We select the best writers to help you, those who know exactly what the board / university expect.
  • We have writers with expertise in a range of subjects so whatever your topic, we can handle it expertly.
  • We believe in quality, regularity, punctuality and dedication.
  • Our online support team is always available in case you have any problems.
  • Communicating with us is easy - you can send a mail, have a live chat or call if the issue is urgent. We respond promptly and are glad to offer help.

There are so many reasons that make us the chosen company for essay writing help. Thousands of students have registered with us and are satisfied with our services. Our quality work has benefited them by fetching good scores in tests and examinations. You can be one of them. Do not miss the opportunity!

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