Five Paragraph Essay Writing Service

Five paragraph Essay

Essay writing begins at the elementary stage of education, in the primary classes, as soon as students begin to write sentences with confidence. Essay writing helps to develop the writing skills of students. The ultimate aim of teaching writing skills is to enable students to express their thoughts and beliefs in appropriate language, in a logical manner and in good language. Writing fulfils other purposes like defining, explaining, arguing, narrating, comparing or contrasting. This is not an exhaustive list. The point is that students must be able to achieve the purpose through their writing.

Writing begins by teaching students to write letters, then words then sentences, then paragraphs. Just as any haphazard combination of letters does not make a word, any jumbled combination of words does not make a sentence and irrelevant sentences assembled together do not make a good paragraph, similarly, a random collection of paragraphs does not constitute an essay. At every stage, there are rules to be followed in order to give sense and meaning to a piece of writing.

An essay is a body of writing that has no fixed length. However, the scope of an essay is limited to the topic that it deals with. Hence, the length of an essay is just enough to do justice to the topic. The aspects of any topic can be systematically arranged in a definite order that further limits the length of the essay. One can do complete justice to a topic without going off the track by following the 3 tier format.

1. Introduction ( 1 paragraph)

2. Main Body ( 3 paragraphs)

3. Conclusion ( 1 paragraph)

According to the above structure, we get a comprehensive essay consisting of 5 paragraphs.

Structure of a 5 paragraph essay:

Introduction - The essay begins with the introduction of the topic. The topic can be introduced in several ways. One can begin by giving a simple definition of the topic. It is possible to relate an incident or refer to a recent news item to introduce the topic. A short story or joke can also be used for introduction. Whatever is suitable, one must remember that the introductory paragraph must be interesting so that the reader is urged to read ahead.

Main body - This is the most important part of the essay. The core topic is elaborated and developed in the main body. The argument or discussion can be further segmented into three parts. For example, if you are dealing with a topic like "Science - Bane or Boon?" In the first paragraph of the main body, which is the second paragraph of the essay, you will talk about science as a boon and how it as changed the daily life of man. In the next paragraph, you can talk about the role of science in various fields. In the next paragraph, you will mention some reasons that make science a bane.

Conclusion:  In the last or fifth paragraph of the essay, you will summarize in brief what you have discussed in the main body; you will conclude your discussion and give a final opinion.

Hence, a five paragraph essay can do complete justice to any given topic. The fixed structure prevents your essay from wandering off the track and including unwanted or irrelevant points. The product is a concise and compact essay.

Some difficulties in writing a five paragraph essay

It sounds very convincing and simple when you learn about the five paragraph essay. However, all topics are not similar. Especially when you deal with personal essays of division and classification essays, you may feel like adding a couple of paragraphs. It is difficult to fit every topic within five paragraphs and yet cover all the necessary points. Some students are unable to write a catchy introduction while others are unable to sustain the interest of the readers till the end.

Some cannot logically argue and present the discussion in a convincing manner. It requires years of experience for being able to construct good five paragraph essays.

Help with five paragraph essays

Five paragraph essays are a favourite assignment task with teachers at school or college level. However, students do not feel inclined towards them. They have to struggle with the large number of points that they jot down as important but find the length too little. They feel it is impossible to fit in 5 paragraphs whatever they wish to say about a topic. The skill lies in being brief and to the point.

Students need not worry about essays and 5 paragraphs. We provide help with 5 paragraph essays or all types of essays for that matter. Our mode of operation is online. Hence, students from any part of the world can contact us at any time in 24 hours and avail of our valuable assistance with writing essays. Whenever you are assigned an essay topic, you can give us the topic and detailed instructions. We will assign a writer who will carefully follow your instructions and write the essay for you. It will be well-formatted, original ad error -free. Each essay produced by our experts is unique and customized.

Our special features:

  • Timely delivery
  • Affordable prices
  • No plagiarism
  • Quality work from expert professionals
  • 24 hours online service
  • A support team to attend to your queries

Expertsminds sole aim is to help students on their journey of education so that they perform well, score good marks and make a bright career. We care about your future; every assignment every essay, every project and test that you give is important concern for us, as much as it is for you. So why worry when we have pledged to hold your hand throughout, until you get your degree? You concentrate on your studies while we will neatly handle your 5 paragraph essays for you!

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