Academic Essay Writing Service - Essay Writer Service 24/7

An academic essay is a précised arrangement or a cumulative accumulation of thoughts or ideas dedicated to one précised topic.

It is a written matter, thesis or document wherein an individual self expresses one's thoughts, ideas, or views in an organized manner. If we put stress on the letter academic, it refers to a work that places emphasis on studying and reasoning rather than on practical or technical approach and skills for it is based on ideas and theories and not related to practicalities of the real world. It describes things that relate to schools, colleges and universities. The academic essay is the most common assignment or thesis asked to write in any of educational organization. It is a reflection of how well you have understood the basic course material, how much extra work you have put into reasoning and how analytical you have been into selecting and commenting on the course you have studied. It all depends upon the way an individual as o how he/she channelizes his /her thought process, as writing is skill which comes naturally to some while others need some practice to gain the expertise. To write an academic Essay one needs to follow certain steps, which provide soul to the body of an Essay and facilitates its shape and structure.

There are a few steps involved to writing a good Essay in the format mentioned below.

 Pre Writing Skills

*Develop a sense of understanding of the topic-Before adhering to the Essay, a bit of homework is required. The writer must get a command on the requirements on the topic as to what the topic is asking for.

*Research the topic-A coherent research on the selected topic is necessary. This can be done by reading relevant books, journals, newspapers, editorials, or by using internet or any other medium from where you can gather information.

*Draft an outline of the Essay - An outline is an organized list of points you wish to adhere in the Essay. Getting your thoughts organized is a crucial step as it helps to portray your thought process in an organized manner.

 Actual Writing Process

*Introducing the topic and writing the thesis- The introduction statement is the soul of an Essay which gives a brief background to the topic, addresses definitions of keywords and issues. Afterneath the thesis or the final statement follows which is usually written at the end of the introduction.

*Frame the first draft of the Essay - Try to put all your thoughts, ideas views which come into your mind as per the outline. It can be in any order; basically here it's recommended as a random collection of all your thoughts relevant to the topic.

*Disintegrate your thoughts into paragraphs-Express each point mentioned in the outline with explanations. Support your points and explanations with examples, evidences, proofs, claims, whichever source of information is available to you. Along with that be sure to use transitional phrases in the concluding part of your paragraph writing, which will develop a sense of continuity in the readers mind. The phrases should offer linkages between the paragraphs.

*Conclusion and edition of the draft- The concluding part must reiterate the main points raised in the introduction as well as in the body of the draft. Give your final word and recap the main points. Further reading and rechecking the written draft becomes essential as to ascertain and ensure that the final product is the outcome of inflow of thoughts as rendered in the beginning.

Finalizing the Essay

Herein when you are done with your drafting, editing and scrutiny compose your final draft. Choose the most precise words and aim for fluent and coherent style. Revise the content matter and proofread the Essay. Again re-read, check for any loopholes, grammatical mistakes or any kind of language errors. Then finally draft your masterpiece with positive zeal and elegance.

Paragraphs provide shape to the body structure of an Essay. They provide a skeleton framework which acts as a strong base to put forward your ideas, views, thoughts, and arguments related to the topic. Their main purpose is to spell out the details of the thesis mentioned in the introduction part with examples, explanations that support them. Each paragraph should focus on one single point or idea that helps establish the overall argument or purpose of the thesis.

The structure of the paragraphs can be classified into three major parts.

*Main point or The Topic Sentence- Herein the writer mentions his main ideas. The topic sentence captures the meaning of the entire paragraph or group of sentences. Each statement in the paragraph must support the topic sentence of the paragraph.

*Support- A support sentence illustrates, explains and provides evidence for a single supporting assertion. Several support statements work together to explain the main idea of an essay.

*Conclusion and Transition -In the conclusion the main ideas are summed up and the thesis statement are restated in a different manner. It is again very important that each paragraph should blend with other properly and create bondage of connectivity between the paragraphs as to provide a sense of continuity in the reader's mind.

It is necessary to think about the paragraph's structure as it is an important element of the Essay. The first body paragraph must use the strongest argument or most significance experience. Then it should be explained with relevant examples and evidences. Finally a satisfying conclusion should be given to summarize the discussed points and should provide an easy transition to the next paragraph with a different topic sentence.

The introduction and the conclusion paragraphs are the vital components of the essay's body.

The introduction paragraph of any Essay should start with a sentence that piques the interest of the readers. The primary purpose of the introductory paragraph is to present your position on the issue at hand. It is the opening paragraph in a conventional Essay and introduces the topic to the readers. It is the strongest strength of the Essay as it helps in preparing the reader for the thesis statement and welcomes the reader that engages his/her interests. It is the first part of your Essay and it's your opportunity to give the reader the best first impression possible. It gives an idea about the topic which will be discussed and also shows the path as to how the topic will be dealt with.

The conclusion paragraph completes the frame around the Essay's argument and restates the thesis which was proposed in the introductory paragraph. It summarizes the views and reminds the reader the importance of topic discussed in the above paragraphs. As a final paragraph, it represents your last chance to make your impact on the reader's mind; therefore one should follow an extremely rigid format with correct dictions to convince them.

Examples of academic structure

 Academic essays can take several forms. One typical structure is demonstrated below. This structure includes the main topic of the Essay in the introduction. The supporting points are mentioned in the concurrent paragraphs. The number of these may vary depending on the length of the Essay. Here three body paragraphs are included. The conclusion more or less repeats the main idea from the introduction.

                                                                               A typical structure for an academic essay



                             Thesis statement


                                Paragraph 1

                   Strongest Topic sentence in bold

               Explanation with appropriate evidences 

                                  and examples            




                                 Paragraph 2

                       Medium Topic sentence in bold

                 Explanation with appropriate evidences 

                                   and examples            




                                    Paragraph 3

                     Weakest Topic sentence in bold

                 Explanation with appropriate evidences 

                                   and examples            





                                Thesis statement

                   Summary of supporting arguments

There are other possible structures for essays. This is one possible one. In other languages and other countries different structures may be more common.

 5 Ways to Quickly Improve Academic Essay Writing Skills

  • Make an outline; get all the ideas, views. Know what you are going to write about before you start with.
  • Acquire a solid understanding of basic grammar, style and punctuation.
  • Use right vocabulary, know what you are using actually mean.
  • Understand the argument and critically analyze the evidence.
  • Know how to write a proper conclusion that supports your research.

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