Elite Assignment Help in Various Border Security Course Program

Border Security Course & Overview:- 

Border security is one such domain, where in the individuals will be frequently exposed to the situations, demonstrating the need or compliance with ethics and values. Only personal values of the individuals will decide the course of actions in several occasions for people working in border security.  Apart from that people working in border security will face with the dilemmas where-in they do face with the challenge of taking decisions between the professional values and personal beliefs.  Professional duties and obligations will come at loggerheads with the person values and these are the times, where the individual need to show dexterity and integrity to take up the right course of action.  Further people here will be forced to work in teams and mutual co-ordination, respect and consideration are some of the ways in which people need to work-in.   In this context, the following part of the discussion, is focused on interview-based interactions with the individuals working in the border security and typically, it included with the discussion on the values and ethics and their integrity and inclusion in the day to day work. The key value demonstrated is the border control above all, keeping up the sovereignty of the nation intact, however the ethics committed in the due course of actions and strategy execution include commitment to the humanism, humanistic values, and international legal obligations, national character are consistently protected and demonstrated. The content of the following write-up is based on the interview of the personnel working in the ABF and their first hand opinion and witness to the actions of the ABF made up the formation of the report.  The report integrated the challenges in working as BSF member as well included what it means to be the citizen residing as a member of the BSF society. Specifically, the values and ethics that governs the actions of BSF members are emphasized in the report with focus on the changing timelines that are beyond territoriality and extending the sovereignty of the nation,

Top 10+ Universities Which offers Border Security Courses:-

  • UNSW Sydney - University of New South Wales, AUSTRALIA
  • Oxford Brookes University, UKUK
  • National Border Security courses
  • Wilfrid Laurier University, CANADA
  • Edith Cowan University (ECU), Australia
  • Arizona State University (Kaplan International), USA
  • George Washington University, USA
  • Loyalist College, CANADA
  • St. Clair College, CANADA
  • Curtin University, Australia
  • Loyalist College in Toronto (Toronto Business College), CANADA
  • Nova Southeastern University, USA
  • Eastern Kentucky University - Graduate Education and Research, USA
  • RMIT University, Australia

Overview of Australia Border security:

Immigration is there in Australia since several thousands of years back.  Recent times, history of Australia and culture were impacted and changed by immigration of the white colonists into the country. Australia's border force is a typical unit of the country that play a role in keeping up the regulations and policies of the country in immigration (Department of Home Affairs, 2020). Immigration policies in the country are very clear about whom to allow and whom not to allow into the country. National priorities and ideologies of immigration are managed and maintained by Border security. Border security force will work in collaboration with the people from home affairs as well. It is part of the Department of law Enforcement Agency. It is part of offshore and onshore border control and enforcement.  It works for investigations, compliance and detention operations in relation with the border security control. It is part of the National Intelligence Community as well work as part of the world's customs Organization (Chambers, 2015).  The key functions of the Australia Border security force include, restricting illegal maritime arrivals and people smuggling into Australia (Chambers, 2011). As part of the Task Cadena, it is working into the restriction of the visa fraud, illegal work as well works for exploitation of foreign workers.  Visa Checking operations like operations Fortitude were conducted occasionally as part of the border security force duties. There exist units like support groups which are mainly aimed to support the planning, mission and operations of the ABF and provides operational continuity and sustenance support from the government agencies. Recently there it is established of counter terroristic forces which is working for providing excellent support and competency for ABF to sustain the military objectives (2017).

Ethics and values in the border security force activities

In recent times, there is increase in the number of people moving across the Australia Border. More and more people have moved across the border and this has become security threat to the country. Legislation allowed border security force to work more concretely to curtail cross border movement of the people and enabled titled regulations considering these activities as detrimental to the security of the nation. This is time where in New norms of detention and tighter control is made to regulate immigration into the country.  Border security force responsibilities are now even more hardened, now they are adamant to destroy the boats that are moving in the border waters of Australia, illegally. Without getting into the causes of the movement and the reasons for trespass, the destruction is allowed by border security force, as part of protection of the integrity and sovereignty of the nation (Kapferer & Morris, 2003). However, the actions of Australia border security force are supported by deontological ethics, where the actions are supported by the principles of the duty and the committee is doing that work as part of their duty to do so to protect the interests of the country.

There are instances where in the border security forces is compelled to demonstrate the wit and integrity in sticking to the policies. A typical case is that of Christian island, when several groups of asylum seekers arrived to Christmas island (Chambers, 2011) and sought for refugee status, as they were on the Australian ground, BSF needed to execute wit in keeping up the immigration rules. In this connection, Christmas island got excised from the immigration zone of Australia, barring the asylum seekers from applying the refugee status.  Subsequently Immigration detention center is established here.  ABF is committed to protect its integrity and humane values and yet is determinant to keep up the sovereignty and the security of the nation protected. ABF is committed for keeping up operation sovereign borders, without actually compromising on the values and ethics, the agency is committed to keep the security and sovereignty of the nation intact. There is a bit of devaluation of life exercised by BSF in this context, however the objectives of broader security and sovereignty protection, and related activities justified the activities of the agency.

            Hansonism and one nation view of Australia, which emerged in the recent years came as a challenge to the existing transformations in the country towards globalization, which in turn has its own implications to the BSF and insisting it to be even more stringent and hard in exercising its obligations towards border control. Unrestrained, "border protection above all else", is a value that Australian Border security force is engulfed and guided with (McNevin, 2014). However, the recent radical transformations that happened, where in the BSF, customs and immigration all are interweaved to combine and form a new agency operational framework came as a testing point to the values of the BSF and the execution of its operational strategies. During 2000s the neo liberal economic strategies and the asylum seekers policies of Australia resulted in tension as they are against the national interests and are speaking of the possible threat to the sovereignty through liberal strategies towards cross border asylum seekers.

ABF, by way of its strategies and policies is demonstrated the culture of control, which are guided by two primary values, nation building and good governance. However still other values that matter include, human rights, compassion, international legal obligations, national character and so forth. They are subsumed but existent in the ethics and values demonstrated by BSF from time to time. The typical demonstration is seen in the treatment of the asylum seekers (Palmer, 2008), immigrants, policies of detection, strategies in detection camps and in other related functions.

The ABF, is demonstrating a more complex operational role, where in, it is protecting the core values and the causes for which it is formed for while maintaining compliance with the ethical values for which the Australian national character is committed for.  Further the nation's, legal commitment for international legal compliances are confirmed for. In this context of the international interdependencies, egalitarian ideologies and in the onset of new shaping for sovereignty, Australian border security force is playing a critical role and demonstrating its commitment to the national security and well-being, showing values and ethics beyond territoriality. 

Interesting to know : How did border security emerge in Australia

Australia Border Security Course and Syllabus:-

What is border security in Australia now, and how is it different to what immigration, customs, and security were prior to its emergence?

What's changed these past two decades, and what's stayed the same over twenty years?

How does the liberal paradox at the heart of European Australia play out in the figure of the security threat 'aboard' a boat, who becomes a vulnerable person in need of rescue, 'in' the water?

What does it mean to work in 'the beast' that is Home Affairs? How is this work experienced and understood by different people, with their own professional tasks and experiences?

How can we start thinking about the emergence of border security, in sum? What has it meant for us, what has it meant for the Commonwealth of Australia, and who benefits and suffers from the way these transformations and arrangements have transpired? Is this necessary; are other ways possible? Why or why not?

How have prominent and influential offshore operations responded to newly defined threats to national security, and how did the people smuggling economy between Australia and Indonesia in the 15 years or so between 1998-2013 induce this state-led response?

Again: what has changed, and what has stayed the same, as immigration has become border security, as mandatory detention has continued? How can we start thinking about this in terms of values and professional ethics?

What are the values that have oriented border security? What are our values? How might different values help us think and be otherwise, or is border security 'necessary'? If so, what are the costs of this necessity, and who bears the cost?

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