DNA and RNA Assignment Help


The full form of DNA is De-oxy ribo Nucleic Acid while the letters RNA stand for Ribo Nucleic Acid. DNA consists of the blueprints of a living organism that is the genetic information about the development and functioning of the organism. RNA takes care of execution according to the instructions in the DNA. DNA is the biological guideline and RNA is an active agent that follows the guideline. DNA is found inside the nucleus and very little RNA is found inside the nucleus. While DNA is double stranded, RNA is single stranded. The study of DNA and RNA is included in a large number of courses like medicine, surgery, forensics, nursing, biology, general science, and many others. Nowadays, DNA tests are conducted in criminology as well. In short, the study of RNA and DNA has numerous applications. Students studying different courses study it in various degrees of depth depending on the level. The concepts are rooted in biology and physiology and are not very simple to understand.

Difficulties in the study of DNA and RNA

While both belong to the same category, there are subtle differences between them. Understanding the structure of RNA and DNA, their functions, their significance, their biological role, how their study helps doctors and other professionals are all very vast and complicated topics. One has to study the topics thoroughly. Sometimes, the structures and differences have to be explained with the help of diagrams. The configurations are difficult to remember. It is a highly specialized topic, exclusively taught at higher levels although it is introduced at the school level.  There are alternative models and hypothesis. The study of RNA and DNA is related to the study of evolution. The answer to the universal question whether egg first or chicken first can be found in the suggested models of the evolutionary theory.

Some topics covered in the study of RNA and DNA

  • The broad area is molecular biology.
  • RNA - Definition and full form
  • DNA - definition and full-form
  • Difference between RNA and DNA
  • Structures and diagrams
  • World RNA theory
  • Applications
  • Role and functions of RNA
  • Role and functions of DNA
  • Chemical compositions

Help with DNA / RNA assignments

It can be observed from the above information that the study of RNA and DNA is highly technical, specialized and requires prior background of the subject. There are many complex concepts and the study has wide applications in many fields. Most students are apprehensive about the subject and find it difficult. Generally, no private tutors give coaching in such specialized topics. Students can perform well if they are well-guided, taught systematically and given confidence. They do not get encouragement and support from colleges. Often, the faculty cannot do complete justice to this topic in the classroom because of lack of time and crowded classrooms. Ultimately, it is students who suffer. They get all the more nervous when they get a list of assignments to complete in little time. They do not even understand whom to approach for help.

It is precisely for students in plight that we have created a supporting platform. We offer academic help to students and are committed to help them find a solution to any kind of problem that affects their overall academic performance. One hurdle that they have to cross is writing assignments.

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So DNA or RNA cannot make you panic. Just avail of our online help and cool down.

How may we help you in biology?

We help by connecting you with assignments writers or tutors as per your requirement. When you create an account with us and log into it, we instruct you to upload your assignment details. Our experts will work on it accordingly. The completed assignment will be delivered to you in the time specified. It will be error free, plagiarism free and of the best quality that you can expect. To know more about our work procedure, visit Expertsminds. You can go through the given details about payment and also read the list of FAQs that will answer all your queries. For further enquiries, you can always contact us directly. We are available on phone, you can Live Chat with our support team or send us a mail.

We appoint experts in DNA and RNA to write your assignments so you need not worry about the technical details. The content will be apt and accurate.

Since we work entirely online, you will find it very convenient to work with us. We would like to inform you that seeking our help is a regular practice with thousands of students all over the world. They come to us repeatedly because they are able to score good grades and make submissions in time. A good deal of your burden is borne by us, making things easy for you, to whatever extent we can.

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Because there is no reason why you may not choose us. Every aspect is self-evident, every service is 100%. You can get the best returns for money spent when you choose a reliable company. We do not give you cause to regret. You will not have to give the assignments for rework as it happens with many other companies. You do not waste time in getting revisions. We know that your time and money is both precious. We value your performance and we provide every kind of support online. We are there with you like a shadow and will remain with you until you achieve your final goal. We are determined to see you get successfully through your course, get qualified so that you can settle down to a happy life. There is no other company so committed, so dedicated, so professionally sound that is at the service of students round the clock for 365 days!

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